Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kick-Ass Rock And Roll

So my mother
is lying, dying,
in a hospital bed
under hospice care
by me and my sister,
but I decided
that although
I am sad about it
and it is traumatic,
that I won't let it
get me down,
so I have a kind of
happy/sad attitude
because I seem to know
that death is not an end,
this morning
I went to the basement
and recorded
a rock song
on my toy instruments,
which I thought
was kind of

1 comment:

  1. You are a good son with a lovely inquisitive mind and a flair for somewhat abstract creativity which is overall thoughtful and existential in nature.

    Cheers to you and to Betty's life and spirit life.

    J. Onan Mugwump
